Free Essay samples, examples & templates

Have you ever stared at a blank document, not knowing where to start with your paper? We know that feeling of discontent and confusion. That is why our team has created a samples and examples page at You should only use this page for research purposes and formatting guidance. All papers have been published as samples, solely for demonstration. If you’re stuck with your essay, feel free to use this collection of assignments for reference. Just choose a topic you are interested in and get a free paper example.

Racism in “To Kill a Mockingbird”

Introduction Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” is usually seen as a modern classic, as well as one telling two different kinds of stories.  On one hand, it is a coming-of-age story. The reader grows up with Scout and Jem Finch, seeing the world through their eyes as they face new and scary realities.  At […]

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What does leadership mean to you essay

It is interesting that Rost, along with a number of other academicians, seeks to abandon the concept of the individual leader in favor of a more collective process.  The leadership position is notoriously vulnerable, certainly, and it seems likely that many instances of poor leadership as practiced by individuals encourage a desire to look elsewhere […]

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Essays about prison overcrowding

  Repair Through Refining: Systems to End Prison OvercrowdingIntroduction To view the problem of prison overcrowding as a distinct or separate issue within the criminal justice system is to ignore its vast effect.  Overcrowding in prisons is by no means an ancillary difficulty among many because its existence undermines every intent of the system itself. […]

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Training vs (versus) Education

In basic terms, training and education differ in one, generally accepted respect:  training tends to go to the acquisition of a specific kind of knowledge, and education is viewed as a larger arena.  The difference relies on the context used, to an extent. More exactly, in a variety of specific fields, the two terms are […]

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Best Custom Essay Service for Students of all Levels

Custom Essay Services for Your Needs You are not a professional writer and completing your assignment isn’t as easy for you as ABC. Are you faced with a shortage of time and a lack of confidence in your skills and strain every nerve trying to complete your assignment? Don’t waste your time and energy! Think […]

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Buy Essays Online from a Reliable Custom Writing Agency!

Buy Cheap Essays Online Right Now! Bored to death with a difficult monotonous writing task? Are you spending sleepless nights on writing, expecting to get high grades? Your essay project definitely requires an investment of time, patience, and thoughts. The time of your revival has finally come! and its team are here to help […]

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