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One of the most important keys to writing a great interview essay is, of course, conducting a great interview. In turn, the key to conducting a great interview is doing your homework, and preparing your questions ahead of time. Once you’ve conducted the interview, though, there’s still the matter of turning that great interview into a great essay.

At, our expert team of academic writers can help you with that. You’ll still be in control of the entire process of crafting your interview paper, though, and there’s even a ten day period at the end during which unlimited revisions are allowed.

Interview Essay Examples

There are a multitude of interview essay examples we could consider. In fact, there are virtually as many interview essay examples as there are majors, if not more. For instance, a theater major is commonly assigned the task of interviewing a professional actor and then writing an essay about it.

    Here are a few other majors that often include the writing of such an essay:

  • Law
  • Medicine
  • Business

In virtually any discipline you can imagine, there are a host of great candidates to interview and write an essay about. The keys is capturing the right details and formatting them in an engaging way.

A Sample Interview Essay

As a sample interview essay, let’s consider the possibility that your subject is a chemist. There are several details you’d want to include in such an account. For example, you’ll want to know what factors led to your subject’s decision to pursue chemistry as a career path.

Another great series of questions would be to ask them to lead you through a typical day in their working life. This could be very educational for both you and your reader. Another good idea before you actually put your fingers to a keyboard is to read an interview essay example or two of your own.

How to Write an Interview Essay

If you’re still, learning how to write an interview essay, there are a couple of other considerations to bear in mind. One thing you will want to be sure to do is to jot down your thoughts from the interview while they are still fresh in your mind.

During this initial brainstorming phase, you should begin to think about how you want to organize your thoughts. Once you’ve actually written your first draft, it’s always a good idea to have somebody read it for you. Rewriting a number of revisions is one of the most important aspects of how to write an interview paper.

Interview Essay Format

Proper interview essay format is really no different from any other type of essay format. You’ll begin with an introduction, the last sentence of which will be your thesis. When you’re analyzing the content generated from the interview itself, your thesis should “jump out” at you and become readily apparent.

Your body will then support your thesis and be summarized by your conclusion. If you employ the services of, then not only will your paper be written with proper interview paper format, it will also be written in a style and tone sure to engage and impress your reader.


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